Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cure Acne the Natural Way

Natural Cures for Acne

It is true that acne has its own timing and season. It mostly appears on teenagers, pregnant women, new moms and women on the menopausal stage. It also affects not only women but male as well.

Acne can be rather painful and aggravated when treated wrongly. Most chemical- based treatment for acne causes more harm than good results. It is always highly encouraged for people to still go the natural way for curing pimples. Here are some suggestions:

1. Try a five- day cleansing diet. During these five days, you are only allowed to eat steamed vegetables or fruits and water. Acne is infection because of dirt, not only on the surface but more especially inside the body. Flush those toxins away by doing the five day diet.

2. Make a mixture of oatmeal and lemon. Oatmeal is a very mild exfoliant while lemon is a powerful but mild cleanser. In a bowl, put five spoons of oatmeal and mix with a little warm water, enough to create a past. After that, squeeze a lemon and apply it to the acne area. Leave on for 30 minutes.

3. Try a soothing tea infusion. In a pot, boil two cups of water and a tea bag. Put in dried basil leaves. Let it cool down. Apply to the acne prone skin with a cotton ball.

4. Try the sugar rush. Put in two tables spoons of brown sugar and a little white sugar and wet a little enough to make a paste. Rub gently, using your ring finger to your acne area. This works like a facial scrub.

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